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Prezentare a lui Campbell in Elvetia februarie 2004. Atentie e nevoie de Power Point instalat. Daca nu se deschide, porniti PowerPoint inainte de apela linkul.

Textul prezentarii lui Campbell. Necesita Acrobat Reader.


O alta prezentare plina de date din 2004. De data asta Mehling.


O analiza elvetiana mai generala cu un punct de vedere socant. Ca si in trecut epuizarea resurselor va fii motiv serios de razboi.

Geluri uv color

"Adding Fuel to the Fire? The Role of Petroleum in Violent Conflicts"

Rudolf Rechsteiner,  membru al parlamentului elvetian si al comisiei parlamentare pentru energie. Necesita Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Plan War and the Hubbert Oil Curve ; An Interview with Richard Heinberg


Māncare inseamna petrol in primul rānd. Aveti un dubiu, nu-i asa?


Productia mondiala de petrol si gaz natural.

Productia e impartita pe tari apoi pe luni si ani. Mai multe tabele  XLS (mii barili/zi)

Din 1990 pāna in prezent 2004. Productia anuala chiar din 1970. ;

THE PARTY'S OVER. Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial Societies
Industrial nations' fossil-fueled joyride is about to end . . . is anyone prepared?

The Mineral Economy: How Prices and Costs Can Falsely Signal Decreasing Scarcity

Douglas B. Reynolds

Un site dupa cum ii spune si numele. "Viata dupa petrol." Foarte, foarte bine facut. Foarte, foarte inspaimāntator.

Apasati pe imaginea cu magarusul.

 (Cu adevarat hardcore)

NU cititi daca sunteti la prima lectura despre subiect.

NU cititi decāt daca va simtiti in stare. E mai mult decāt socant.

ATENTIE. Ati fost prevenit. Stiu, sunt doar cuvinte, dar totusi.    Acelasi site, de data asta scrisori de la cititorii cartii pe care autorul site-ului a scris-o.


Un alt site (pentru incepatori). Numele "Wolf at the door" se traduce cu "Lupul la usa" si face referire la povestea cu baietelul care striga "Lupul" ca sa se strānga satul.  De data asta lupul e la usa.

un site ecologic francez (tradus in engleza ) cu foarte multe date despre energii alternative. Si Clubul de la Roma.

Diverse articole, diverse surse


Daily Star

Shell scandal points to exaggerated estimates of oil reserves
A treia supraestimare

THE JOSEPH STRATEGY Eleanor Roosevelt 1929 crisis -  un articol foarte interesant.


Despre ce se intāmpla cu deseurile nucleare.

Asta e genul de literatura pe care guvernantii n-ar dorii sa o cititi

Atentie PDF de 192 de pagini

Producers try to squeeze more natural gas from Canada, GOM, other sources

"By 2010 the Muslim world will control as much as 60% of the world's oil production and, even more importantly, 95% of remaining global oil export capacity."
This war on terrorism is bogus   Michael Meacher - Former Blair Minister - Guardian, 6 September 2003

Shell was embroiled yesterday in Britain's biggest corporate scandal for almost 20 years after it admitted a three-year plan to deceive its shareholders.
Shell not alone in false reserves claims All foreign operators in Nigeria, not just Royal Dutch/ Shell, consistently exaggerated their reserves estimates during the 1990s



Ontario aims to cut electricity use by 5%



In an excellent article (thank you Coilin for bringing this to our attention) we see that the Nigerian oil industry watchdog has decided to make life miserable for the oil majors there. We note the URL We record that the Nigerian Government (for whatever reason it deems right and proper) has fingered ALL foreign operators in Nigeria for deliberately exaggerating their proven reserves during the 1990s. This was done because of incentive payments that were payable if more reserves for the country were found.


Daca mai credeti ca economia e raspunsul:




Unii considera ca e posibil sa avem petrol pāna in 2112.


Ce e de facut( in afara de rugaciuni )


The Oil Crash: Coping with the Inevitable

By Perry Arnet


How To Tell A Family Member About the Ramifications of Peak Oil

By Bruce Thomson


The Oil Crash and You: Overview of What You Need to Know

By Bruce Thomson


Prepare for the Oil Crash: Steps to Take

By Ronald Greek, Attorney at Law


The Twilight of the Modern World: Four Stages of Breakdown

By Paul Thompson





Grupuri de discutii

There have been several new people joining the international discussion groups lately, and they have indicated that they would like to talk to local people.
This list will grow as more people set up groups; please feel free let me know if you have a local group you would like to add to this list.

Here are several international groups:
The original Running on Empty and Energy Resources yahoo groups have archived tens of thousands of messages about the upcoming shortages of energy. This forum continues this discussion, with an emphasis on what, if anything, can be done about the situation
Today, human society is well into a transition from increasing to decreasing availability of energy and other resources. In that context, the EnergyResources Group aims at objective and accurate understanding of what this mean to our lives and future.
While many discussion groups cover practical survival tips, policy options, political gamesmanship, technological panaceas, and so on, this group is primarily focused on the aesthetic, artistic, and literary aspects of the end of Industrial Civilization (and the psychological and spiritual underpinnings thereof).
Discussion is restricted to Volunteers and Supporters of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
This is an un-moderated group discussing the issues raised at, the repercussions of peak oil, and the world government’s inaction to these very dire problems.
At Atlanaz (ok, the name is corny) we’re working on establishing “sustainable community” within the State of Arizona. If the Titanic of civilization IS sinking, we’d rather go down trying to build a raft, than sipping tea and watching the cold water rise. The moderator, Ron Greek, is also one of the moderators of Running on Empty.
This ROE-Oklahoma discussion group will focus on our response to “Peak Oil” in Oklahoma. Membership is restricted to people who live in Oklahoma. Some exceptions may be granted.
Join others discussing NZ’s position a group for New Zealanders only.
Post Carbon DC is a group of DC, Maryland and Northern VA residents who are concerned with the looming issues surrounding Oil and Natural Gas peak, decline and depletion. Our main concern is what we are going to do as a community to live with less and less available energy. We share ideas on how to shape the future of our communities, we plan events to educate our neighbours, and we come together to share plans, ideas and practices.
Post Carbon New England is a group of New England residents who are concerned with the looming issues surrounding Oil and Natural Gas peak, decline and depletion.
NEN is for those of you who preferring a lightweight, low volume list (traffic is usually ca. 10 emails a day). It is best described as a “best of” mailing-list, in that it consists of a selection of forwarded messages from ROE2, AB, ER, but also m.a.p. et al, and sometimes a (short) discussion about one of the news items. The focus is international, but NEN will serve as a platform to launch a local French list on the same server, if there is demand. The list server is mail-based only – no HTTP access. Ask for the info file (link above) to retrieve subscribing instructions.
ROEOZ is for Austrailian locals who are concerned with the looming issuessurrounding Oil and Natural Gas peak, decline and depletion. Our main concern is what we are going to do as a community to live with less and less available energy. We share ideas on how to shape the future of our communities, we plan events to educate our neighbours, and we come together to share plans, ideas and practices.
Residents of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Northern California discuss the impending collapse of Industrial Civilization from a regional perspective - impact on food, transportation, health care and other critical systems.
The Running On Empty group for Florida residents.
A forum for people in the North Carolina area to discuss peak oil, the effects it may have on the area, and what we can do about it.